D1: SOPHE’s Health Promotion: From Theory to Practice (textbook 3rd Edition): What’s New for Spicing Up Your Curriculum?
1.0 Advanced
This session will feature updates to SOPHE’s textbook and examples of how various chapters can be used in graduate and undergraduate curricula, as well as the textbook ancillaries.
Learning Objective(s):
•Identify at least two new features of SOPHE’s updated Health Promotion Programs (3rd ed) textbook that address the HESPA II 2020 health education competencies that help students to address diversity, equity and inclusion issues.

Elaine Auld, MPH, MCHES (Moderator)
CEO Emerita
Society for Public Health Education
M. Elaine Auld, MPH, MCHES, is the chief executive officer, emerita, for the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE). As SOPHE’s chief executive officer from 1995 to 2021 she oversaw the organization’s portfolio in professional preparation, professional development, research, publications, and advocacy. Over her more than 40-year career, Ms. Auld has published some 50 journal articles and book chapters on the profession’s role in community and school health education, health equity, national and international workforce development, and public policy. With regard to the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model, Ms. Auld was principal investigator on several Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cooperative agreements that provided training and materials development for professionals, promoted the model as part of the National Task Force on the Future of School Health Education, and helped establish SOPHE’s School Health Teacher Education Standards used in credentialing.

Carl Fertman, PhD., MBA, MCHES
University of Pittsburgh

Melissa Grim, PhD, MCHES
Radford University