F3: Student Micro-Mentoring Session
1.5 Entry
Sponsored by Mississippi State University. In this micro-mentoring session, participants will be assigned to and mentored by experienced health professionals. Topics for discussion may include adapting to changes in both research and practice, self-care and responding to trauma, rebuilding trust in health education and prevention efforts, and advocating for additional health resources and services. Attendees are encouraged to have honest conversations, ask important questions, share experiences and resources, and express concerns as our field responds to and recovers from an unprecedented crisis. Professionals will be assigned to review and critique student resumes and/or cover letters.
Learning objective(s):
•Describe at least one practical piece of advice from a Health Education professional, as evaluated by the session evaluation form.

Brenna O. Kirk, BS, MPH, PhD(c) (Moderator)
SOPHE 2021-22 Patient Engagement Fellow
West Virginia University
Brenna Kirk is a PhD Candidate at West Virginia University School of Public Health in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Her primary research interests are in diabetes prevention and care with a focus on rural, underserved populations. She is involved in several projects that prioritize patient engagement as an approach to improving community-based diabetes programming and care, with a specific focus on improving patient self-advocacy and patient-provider communication. Currently, she serves as the Project Coordinator for a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) funded project (PI: Dr. Ranjita Misra) that aims to build capacity in the state of West Virginia for patient and stakeholder engaged diabetes research. She is also a graduate research assistant for the community-based Diabetes and Hypertension Self-Management Program which is currently being implemented in churches in West Virginia and is the recipient of the 2021-2022 SOPHE Patient Engagement Student Fellowship.