H2: Regulations from Government Policy Standpoint
1 Entry
This session will present insights useful for the policy development process through mixed methods analysis, communication approaches, and leveraging the evidence-base.
Learning objective(s):>
•List at least two differences in diet quality of children participating in WIC and SNAP compared to non-participants.
•Use the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NDDK’s) 2016 guidelines to identify at least two key barriers preventing quality care and healthy growth of students with diabetes in K-12 US public schools.
•Describe at least two key policy arguments used by advocacy collations to support and oppose a sugar-sweetened beverage tax in California.
•Analyze message ratings and perceived effectiveness of two types of theory-informed e-cigarette prevention policy messages to a control condition using data collected in spring 2021.
Moderator: Michele Bildner
Featured presentations:
•Diet Quality and Food Intake of Children in WIC and SNAP: A Review - Rehab Aldahash, MS, PhD, Megan S. Kelley, PhD CHES®, and Masoomeh Hajizadeh Oghaz, MS, CPH
•Barriers and Diabetes Care Quality in U.S. Public Schools - Ruopeng An, PhD
•Exploring California's Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax Debate - Kesia Garibay, BA
•Assessing E-cigarette Policy Messages: Implications for Message Design - Lorraine Jackson, PhD and Ruta Viela, BS

Michele Bildner, MPH, MCHES® (Moderator)
Project Manager & Adjunct Faculty
CDC Foundation & Fontbonne University in St. Louis
Twitter: @michelainestl
Michele Bildner has worked in public health and health education for over ten years, gaining experience designing and implementing community nutrition education; researching and evaluating childhood obesity policies, systems, and environments across the US; assessing, planning, and implementing community health initiatives; and achieving health department accreditation and organizational strategic management. As a mid-career practitioner, Michele’s practice is rooted in collaborative approaches for convening key stakeholders to lead change for wicked problems. In addition to her role as a Project Manager for Non-Infectious Disease Programs at the CDC Foundation, Michele is an adjunct faculty member at Fontbonne University in St. Louis - where she earned her BS in Dietetics - preparing undergraduate health education and promotion students for practice. Michele earned her Master of Public Health in Community Health Education from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She became MCHES®-credentialed in 2017 and is involved with SOPHE at the national level, formally serving on the Professional Preparation and Nomination Committees, as well as supporting the 2021 Annual Meeting as the Abstract Committee Chair. She is the 2020 President-Elect of SOPHE Midwest, which includes Missouri and Kansas, and has been convening St. Louis Area CHES® and MCHES® professionals for the past two years to build the professional network in her local community and change the employment landscape for certified health education specialists (CHES®). Michele began her DrPH in Leadership at the University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health with the 2019 cohort where she serves on the Student Management Committee and the inaugural Equity Strategy Development Committee. Her dissertation work is focused on identifying facilitators and barriers to the value of the M/CHES® credentials through the lens of public health leadership principles.

Rehab Aldahash, MS, Ph.D
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Rehab Aldahash is a Ph.D. candidate in Nutrition and Health Sciences, specializing in Community Nutrition and Health Promotion. UNL helps advocate for intercultural awareness through professional experiences, including education and nutrition and food science research. Practice education skills in nutrition and food science to improve students' knowledge through professional experience. Raise health awareness for all segments of society through volunteer experience. Enhance research skills in the fields of nutrition and food science. And develop new ways to convey nutritional information through innovative projects.

Megan S. Kelley, Phd, CHES
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Masoomeh Hajizadeh Oghaz, MS, CPH
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Masoomeh Hajizadeh Oghaz, MS, CPH, Ph.D. Candidate in Community Nutrition and Health Promotion and Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE, USA, 1700 N. 35th Street, Ruth Leverton Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583, masoomeh12@huskers.unl.edu

Ruopeng An
Assistant Professor
Washington University in St. Louis
Ruopeng An is an Assisant Professor at the Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis. He conducts research to assess environmental influences and population-level interventions on weight-related behaviors and outcomes throughout the life course. In particular, his work assesses socioeconomic determinants and policies that impact individuals' dietary behavior, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, and adiposity in children, adults of all ages, and people living with a disability.

Kesia Garibay, BA
UC Merced

Lorraine Jackson, PhD
California Polytechnic State University
Ruta Viela, BS
California Polytechnic State University