H3: Addressing College Food Inequity Issues via a Campus Kitchen, Nutrition Preparation Program, and Registered Dietician Professional Training
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This session will focus on college health and nutrition concerns by describing a campus kitchen program that addresses nutrition inequity and a budget friendly campus food preparation that teaches students how to make easy and nutritious meals. The session will also describe new professional training pathways for upcoming registered dietitians.
Learning objective(s):
•Identify the two requirements to become a Registered Dietitian (RD) and the new pathways that will make it easier for health education training programs to offer RD opportunities.
•Describe two implications, challenges, and sustainability of student-led program implementation, The Campus Kitchen at the University of Kentucky, addressing nutrition inequity and food waste issues on campus.
•Describe at least two strategies and policies to improve the national quality of food distributed by food banks and food pantries during the pandemic.
Moderator: Laura Nabors
Featured presentations:
•Interprofessional Roles for Health Educators in Nutrition - Brian Reagan, PTR, PhD, RD, LD and Heidi Hancher-Rauch, PhD, CHES®
•Campus Kitchen: Sustainable Student-Led Nutrition Equity Efforts - Kendra OoNorasak, MS, RD, LD
•Nutrition Assessment of Emergency Food Sites in Rural California - Kimberly Sanchez, MPH and Denise D. Payán, PhD, MPP

Dr. Laura Nabors, PhD, CPH (Moderator)
Univeristy of Cincinnati
Laura Nabors is a professor with over 100 peer-reviewed publications and presentations focusing on implementation and evaluation of health programs. Laura Nabors graduated with a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Memphis. She is a professor in the School of Human Services in the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services. She holds and Interdisciplinary Position in the School of Human Services and teaches classes in the Health Promotion and Education Program and the Substance Abuse and Counseling Program. Her research focuses on child and family health and mental health issues in community settings.

Brian Reagan, PTR, PhD, RD, LD
University of Indianapolis
Brian is a Registered Dietitian and Associate Professor in the University of Indianapolis’s Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Sciences Department. He earned his Masters and PhD (Health & Rehabilitation Sciences) from Indiana University. He has presented and published research ranging from motor learning to nutrition misinformation. As the Consumer Protection Coordinator for IAND (Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), he helps lead the state in alleviating misinformation and professionals who go beyond scope of practice.His professional expertise includes Sport Nutrition and Disordered Eating; he has counseled and performed research with athletes of all levels from professional tennis to NFL hopefuls and youth baseball to seasoned marathoners. He is the founder and Director of UIndy’s accredited Dietetics Internship program, which specializes in Sports Nutrition. Brian’s favorite activities include tennis, golf, and working towards ASL certification. For the former, he is a Teaching Professional, which began at the ^Indianapolis Tennis Center (^Former home of the professional tennis tournament, the RCA Championships).

Heidi Hancher-Rauch, PhD, CHES®
University Faculty and Researcher
University of Indianapolis
Heidi Hancher-Rauch, PhD, CHES® has been a university faculty member and researcher for approximately 15 years, the last 13 of those at the University of Indianapolis where she is a professor and director of the Public Health Program. She has practiced in the field for more than 20 years, including work in the areas of community disease prevention and worksite health. Her areas of expertise include health policy and advocacy, program evaluation, and evidence-based health promotion. Health advocacy has always been her main passion, with the majority of her publications and professional presentations on the topic. She teaches courses including Health Policy and Advocacy; Program Planning, Implementation & Evaluation; and Leadership in Public Health. Heidi provides professional service as the Board Trustee for Advocacy & Resolutions for SOPHE, serves on the SOPHE Advocacy Committee, is a member of the Top 10 Steering Committee, and previously served as the director of Indiana SOPHE Advocacy for two terms. Heidi started a chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma at the University of Indianapolis in 2019 and continues to serve as co-sponsor of the organization. She engages with community organizations such as the Indiana Minority Health Coalition as an outside evaluator and uses her advocacy skills to promote health equity and social justice every chance provided.

Kendra OoNorasak, MS, RD, LD
University of Kentucky Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition
Kendra OoNorasak, MS, RD, LD, is a registered dietitian working as the Director of Community Outreach at the University of Kentucky Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition. In her current role, she leads and mentors 40-50 student leaders of the Campus Kitchen at the University of Kentucky, a service organization that aims to reduce food waste and improve nutrition equity while also advising the Universities Fighting World Hunger chapter. She also engages students in research, hands-on real-life opportunities, and community projects, as well as teaches a few nutrition courses including a seminar in Hunger Studies as part of the Certificate in Food Systems and Hunger Studies. She has provided dozens of oral and poster presentations at professional conferences and published a few peer-reviewed journal articles on food insecurity.

Kimberly Sanchez, MPH
UC Merced