Plenary 6: Disability Awareness and Inclusion in Public Health
1.0 Advanced
Disability and chronic disease are not synonymous conditions but exist independently from one another. Disabilities are not unfortunate, negative, or synonymous with ill health, incapacity, or dependence, and a person with a disability is neither inferior, undesirable, less capable, nor less worthy than an able-bodied person. Disability humility refers to learning about experiences, cultures, histories, and politics of disability, recognizing that one's knowledge and understanding of disability will always be partial, and acting and judging considering that fact. In addition, the pervasiveness and systemic nature of ableism causes harm, and those who are able-bodied often enjoy unrecognized privilege.
This plenary supports the SOPHE 2021 resolution that calls for integrating the role of disability and ableism in health education and health promotion practice. The presentation will encourage educators, faculty, students, and practitioners to question their own preconceived notions and implicit biases, explore disability-related biases and microaggressions, challenge the dominant narrative on disability, and promote models and tools to increase access and equity and ultimately reframe concepts of differences.
Learning objective(s):
•Incorporate appropriate needs assessment, planning and implementation guidelines for health education programs designed for persons with disabilities.
•Identify advocacy and other efforts to overcome at least two barriers to health equity for individuals with disabilities that result from discrimination and implicit biases.
Moderator: Tara Lutz, PhD, MPH, MCHES®
Featured speakers:
Adriane K. Griffen, DrPH, MPH, MCHES; American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
Sara Lyons, MPH; The National Association of County and City Health Officials
D’Arcee Neal, MA; The Ohio State University
FAHE Awards
Donna Videto, PhD, MCHES®
Closing Conference Remarks
Amy Thompson, PhD, CHES®; 2022-23 SOPHE President; University of Toledo

Tara Lutz, PhD, MPH, MCHES® (Moderator)
Asst. Professor
University of Connecticut
Tara Lutz is the training director at the Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (CT UCEDD) and an assistant professor of public health sciences at the University of Connecticut (UConn) School of Medicine. She coordinates the graduate Certificate of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies in Public Health and co-directs the clinical doctoring course for second year medical students. She is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES ®).
Her areas of interest include disability and public health, health education and health promotion, addressing issues of health equity across different communities, and integrating disability education and competency into public health and health care training programs. She is skilled in curriculum development for public health and medical students in public health, disability, and racism and bias that incorporates a health equity framework to describe and address systems-level issues including access, accessibility, and inclusivity.
At SOPHE, Tara is the national delegate for Connecticut (CT) SOPHE, and the speaker of the House of Delegates for 2022. She is dedicated to public health education students, professionals, and those we serve. She strives for equitable access to services, education, and communication through ways in which are consumable to our many audiences. She values collaboration, partnerships, teamwork, and accountability. To borrow from the newly-revised 10 Essential Public Health Services, I see one my contributions to the field is to develop our workforce to “enable equitable access” and “build a diverse and skilled workforce”.

Adriane K. Griffen, DrPH, MPH, MCHES
Association of University Centers on Disabilities

Sara Lyons, MPH

D'Arcee Neal
Ohio State University

Donna M. Videto, PhD, MCHES®
Vice President
Donna Videto, SUNY Distinguished Service Professor and Professor of Health, has worked in school health education and pedagogy for over 40 years. An AAHE Fellow and a CDC HECAT trainer, she is currently employed by SUNY College at Cortland where Donna teaches graduate and undergraduate students in health education. Donna has a number of national publications including Birch & Videto’s 2015 Promoting Health and Academic Success: The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Approach. With over 150 national, regional and state level presentations at conferences and committee work for SOPHE, AAHE, and ASHA. Currently Donna serves as the Vice President of FAHE.

Amy Thompson, PhD, CHES®
Vice Provost
University of Toledo
Dr. Amy Thompson is a Professor & Co-Director at the Center for Health & Successful Living for the University of Toledo. Her research areas are on advocacy, gun violence prevention, breast cancer prevention, and nutritional issues. She has also served as the Trustee for Advocacy & Resolutions for SOPHE from 2015-2017; 2017-2019.