Pre-conference workshop: Back to the Future for Progress on Transportation Health Education
2.5 Entry
This session is a separate registration.
Why is it that in 2021 less than one percent of Alabamians can access public transportation to get to work? In 1952, an Alabama statewide constitutional amendment was approved denying funding to public transportation supporting the 1901 state constitution codifying social inequity of African Americans and working-class Caucasian Americans, and it is still the law.
In 2020, illiteracy in Alabama was estimated to be 15% or higher. Disadvantaged, minority populations, young and older adults could benefit from a health impact assessment of transportation that incorporates a health literacy component. Advocacy for a statewide health impact assessment of transportation can serve as a catalyst for the empowerment of all populations.
Learning Objectives
1. Describe how health literacy and advocacy could empower disadvantaged and minority populations, young and older adults to organize and advocate for a change in policy, systems, and environment.

Doreleena Sammons Hackett, SM, CPM (Moderator)
Director of Grants Administration
Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)
Mrs. Hackett is the Project Director for the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Program federal cooperative agreement, a nationwide community-based program to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities in cooperation with the CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity (DNPAO). She has over 40 years of experience of public experience with 27 years in Chronic Disease and Health Promotion program development and implementation including nutrition, cardiovascular disease prevention, gerontology, injury prevention, women’s health, HIV/AIDS awareness, health education, physical activity and program integration. Ten (10) years in maternal and child health. Work has included over 30 years’ experience working in State and local health departments and 10 years’ experience working in non-profit sector three of which was as an Executive Director. Her experience is extensive in the areas of Policy, Environment, and Systems (PES) Change; providing technical assistance and capacity building; planning, organizing and directing programs; development, implementation and monitoring of federal categorical grants and community-based grants; and, fiscal management including budget preparations, and resource allocation.
Mrs. Hackett has a Master of Science Degree (SM) in Public Health Nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health (Boston, MA) and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Pre-Medicine from Bennett College (Greensboro, NC). She is a Certified Public Manager (CPM) (Rutgers, The State University in New Brunswick, NJ), and a Certified Master Trainer in Chronic Disease Self-Management (As instructed by Stanford University Patient Education Research Center. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Ministry Degree from Payne Theological Seminary.

E. Fowziyyah Ali, DEd, CHES
County Extension Coordinator Jefferson County
I am a CHES Certified Health Educator. Through a grant funded by the Alabama Commission on Developmental Disabilities to Auburn University, Alabama Cooperative Extension Services in Jefferson County, Alabama, I served as project director for Transportation Health Education for Persons with a Developmental Disability. With a team of diverse community volunteers, we designed and filmed six video episodes now hosted on the Jefferson County Extension YouTube website. The twists and turns encountered during this project are the foundation for this presentation on Back to the Future on Alabama Transportation Health Education. Through Wise Choices in Health Literacy Communications Inc., my focus is on increasing wellness, health education, and literacy skills for adult learners, seniors, the disabled, and students pursuing future health careers.

Lisa M. Jones
County Extension Coordinator Jefferson County
Alabama Cooperative Extension Service (ACES)Coordinator, Jefferson CountyACES Program Areas: Alabama 4-H; Community Workforce, Leadership & Economic Development; Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - EducationSKILLS: Membership and nonprofit executive with significant experience in:- Business development and outreach- Project management and strategic initiatives- Internal and external communications- Forecasting and budget line-item responsibility- Staff development and management- Entrepreneurial and creative thinking- Presentations and leadership- Volunteer relations