Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child: From Model to Practice

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1.00 Advanced

This session will present lessons learned from WSCC implementation and identify resources that address gaps in health education professional preparation programs and strengthen capacity and training in support of the WSSC framework. 

Learning Objectives:

1. Explain how the 10 components of the WSSC model relate to collaborative K-12 school health teams.

2. Identify three resources that address gaps in health education professional preparation programs and strengthen capacity and training in support of the WSSC framework.

3. Discuss three common challenges in dissemination, implementation, and sustainability of school health programming.

Dr. Larrell L. Wilkinson, PhD, MSPH, CHES®

Associate Professor

University of Alabama at Birmingham

An Associate Professor of Community Health & Human Services at the UAB School of Education, Dr. Larrell Wilkinson is a teacher, researcher, and servant to the Birmingham metropolitan community. Dr. Wilkinson has a Master of Science in Public Health in Health Promotion Education & Behavior (2005) and a Ph.D. in Health Services Policy & Management (2011), both from the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Wilkinson started his public health career as an intern at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention within the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (formerly National Immunization Program). Today, Dr. Wilkinson is a behavioral research scientist interested in addressing the biopsychosocial pathways and life course mechanisms determining health and social outcomes and related racial/ethnic health and social disparities.

Dr. Rachael Dombrowski, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Rachael Dombrowski, PhD, MPH, designs, implements and evaluates multilevel interventions to advance social justice and collectively improve community health and local food environments. Dr. Dombrowski is a faculty member of the California State University San Marcos Departments of Public Health and Kinesiology. She conducts community-based participatory research, including program development and evaluation within the Midwest, West and nation-wide. Dr. Dombrowski recently implemented the Great Grocer Project in collaboration with the Detroit Grocery Coalition, which includes an assessment of over 200 grocery stores. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago (PhD) and the University of Michigan (MPH). She has worked in the public health field for over 20 years.

Nomita Bajwa

Wellness Geeks Consultants, LLC

Stephanie Kellam

Director of Wellness and Community Engagement


Stephanie Kellam, MS,CPT Recognized by the Michael and Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living in 2018 as the Texas Health Champion, Stephanie Kellam currently serves as the Director of Wellness and Community Engagement for UnitedHealthcare. Her extensive experience in wellness-related program design and implementation brings her exceptional knowledge and strategy to the well-being industry. An accomplished grant writer, Stephanie prides herself in her strong relationship building skills and a passion for helping people live healthier lives. A former school district employee and coordinator for a research, education, and advocacy non-profit organization, Stephanie currently supports school district customers in their wellness programming as it relates to schools and the community. In addition, Stephanie runs the community and employee engagement programming for UnitedHealthcare in Texas. With an array of publications, presentations, and trainings, Stephanie shares her insight into the world and culture of school wellness with a variety of audiences. Stephanie earned her undergraduate degree from Rice University, her master?s from the University of Houston and is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Education at the University of Houston. When not sharing her passion for well-being, Stephanie can be found corralling her two young children and COVID puppy. #myimpact ensure all youth in Texas have equal access to quality health education.

Melissa Fahrenbruch, MEd

Program and Professional Development Team Lead

Division of Population Health’s School Health Branch, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Melissa Fahrenbruch, MEd is the Program and Professional Development Team Lead in the Division of Population Health’s School Health Branch, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Melissa earned a BS in Education from the University of Nebraska, and a master’s in educational leadership from Doane College. She has over 25 years of experience in the education field as a teacher, coach and as a high school principal. Her school health expertise led her to Kansas and was the Director of CDC’s Coordinated School Health Program in the early 2000s. She then moved to Atlanta to serve as a Project Officer of that program which led her to her current position as team lead. Melissa currently oversees two school health cooperative agreements for states and national organizations and is the lead for internal and external professional development events for CDC staff and funded partners.


M1. Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child: From Model to Practice
05/04/2021 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 05/12/2021
05/04/2021 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 05/12/2021
23 Questions
1.00 Advanced CECH credit  |  No certificate available
1.00 Advanced CECH credit  |  No certificate available