Yoga Deep Stretch
Take a break from the conference to enjoy this floor-based stretching class designed to be very accessible to any yoga level. This practice is an active stretching class focusing on muscle groups surrounding the hips, hamstrings and upper back.
DISCLAIMER: It is essential that you retain full responsibility for your own physical and general well-being in applying instructions in this guided program to your own circumstances. The golden rule is 'if it doesn't feel right then don't do it'.
Kat McDonald
Kat (she/her/hers) first tried yoga in the early 90s as a teenager, but it was not until 2012 that she became serious about her practice. Over the past few years, she decided to delve deeper and completed her 200 hour teacher training in 2018. Kat believes that yoga is and should be accessible for everybody and strives to feel a sense of agency in her classes. Kat is originally from New Zealand and has lived in St. Louis with her partner, 2 cats and 2 dogs since 2010. She works for the VA in physical therapy research in the SCI department where she leads a weekly adaptive yoga class for Veterans with spinal cord injury and chronic pain. Kat loves curating playlists for each class. Join Kat on the mat for a relaxed vinyasa flow, great tunes, and a touch of humor!