Upon completion of the Digital IHE Academy, you will be able to:
- Describe the characteristics of high-quality health education curricula for pre-service teachers.
- Integrate key CDC tools and resources within their health education curricula for pre-service teachers.
- Develop an action plan to strengthen their health education teacher preparation programs.
Scroll down to select the day you would like to view. Click on any session title and access the “Enter Session” button. You can click the gray heading on any day to open or collapse the menu.
Mon, May 10 at 12:00 pm EDT
Digital Institute for Higher Education Academy - Monday
SOPHE Welcome
Speakers: Elaine Auld, CEO, SOPHE
Jordan Fuhrmeister, Associate Project Director, SOPHE
CDC Welcome
Speaker: Holly Hunt, Chief, CDC Healthy Schools
Overview of the Institute for Higher Education Academy
Speaker: Rachael Dombrowski, Assistant Professor, Wayne State University and SOPHE School Health Project Director
Agenda and Ground Rules
Speaker: Rachael Dombrowski
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model
Speaker: Melissa Fahrenbruch, Program and Professional Development Team Lead, CDC Healthy Schools
Objectives: In this session, participants will be provided with an overview of the WSCC model and will become familiar with key resources and tools that can be used for integrating the WSCC model within their health teacher preparation programs.
Concurrent Track Sessions
*Determined through application. Participants will have a break within their concurrent session as determined by the facilitator.
Track Session: School Health Index
Speakers: Bridget Borgogna, Health Education Specialist, CDC Healthy Schools
Seraphine Pitt-Barnes, Health Scientist, CDC Healthy Schools
Objectives: In this session, participants will: Be introduced to the School Health Index (SHI) Self- Assessment Planning Guide. An interactive step-by-step demonstration of the tool and related materials will be presented.
Track Session: Improving the Health of Students by Applying the Characteristics of Effective Health Education Curricula using HECAT – Part I
Speakers: Susan Telljohann, Professor Emeritus, Health Education, The University of Toledo
Bonnie Edmondson, Associate Professor, Southern Connecticut State University
Objectives: In this session, participants will: Describe each of the characteristics of effective Health Education curricula and explain how to apply the characteristics of effective Health Education curricula. *must attend Part I and Part II
Track Session: Health Education Teacher Education Standards for Accreditation
Speaker: Susan Goekler, SOPHE's SPA Coordinator
Objectives: In this session, participants will: Define what graduates of a PreK-12 health education teacher preparation programs should know and be able to do by the end of their coursework and ways to integrate the teacher preparation standards into their program's structure and materials.
Characteristics of High-Quality Pre-Service Health Teacher Education Curriculum
Moderator: David Birch, Retired Professor and Program Coordinator, The University of Alabama
Panelists: Beth McNeill, Clinical Professor, Texas A&M University
Donna Videto, Professor, SUNY Cortland
Joseph Donnelly, Professor, Montclair State University
Kandice Porter, Professor and Department Chair, Kennesaw State University
This panel will:
I. Demonstrate the characteristics of high-quality HE teacher education programs
II. Review how to assess your curriculum
III. Review action plan to improve your curriculum
Debrief of Day 1 and Review of Offline Activities
Speaker: Rachael Dombrowski
Holly Hunt, MA, Chief of the Healthy Schools Branch in the Division of Population Health (DPH)
Melissa Fahrenbruch, MEd, Program and Professional Development Team Lead
Bridget Borgogna, MEd, Health Education Specialist
Seraphine Pitt Barnes, PhD, MPH, CHES, Health Scientist
Bonnie J. Edmondson, EdD, Associate Professor
Susan K. Telljohann, HSD, CHES, Professor Emeritus of Health Education
Susan F. Goekler, PhD, RMCHES
David Birch, PhD, MCHES®, Retired Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Science
Elisa Beth McNeill, PhD, CHES, Instructional Professor of Public Health
Donna M. Videto, PhD, MCHES®, Vice President
Kandice Porter, PhD, Department Chair of the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education
Joseph Donnelly, Professor, Public Health
Elaine Auld, MPH, MCHES, CEO Emerita
Jordan Fuhrmeister, MPH, CHES, Associate Project Director
Dr. Rachael Dombrowski, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor
James Philip A. Mallare, PhD, MS, CHES®, Associate Researcher
Tiffany Edgar, MS, Lecturer
Tue, May 11 at 12:00 pm EDT
Digital Institute for Higher Education Academy - Tuesday
Independent work with your Institution Teams
Technical Assistance/Office Hours with Experts
12:00 - 12:30 pm
Susan Telljohann- Room A Lea Jaspers- Room B Holly Alperin- Room C
12:30 - 1:00 pm
Susan Telljohann- Room A Lea Jaspers- Room B Holly Alperin- Room C
1:00 - 1:30 pm
Susan Telljohann- Room A Leigh Szucs & Emily Young- Room B Denise Seabert- Room C
1:30 - 2:00 pm
Susan Telljohann- Room A Leigh Szucs & Emily Young- Room B Denise Seabert- Room C
2:00 - 2:30 pm
Susan Goekler- Room B Denise Seabert- Room C
2:30 - 3:00 pm
Wed, May 12 at 12:00 pm EDT
Digital Institute for Higher Education Academy - Wednesday
Welcome and Ice Breaker
Speaker: Rachael Dombrowski
Overview of the School Health Education Teacher Preparation Model Curriculum
Speaker: Rachael Dombrowski
Concurrent Track Sessions
*Determined through application. Participants will have a break within their concurrent session as determined by the facilitator.
Track Session: Utilizing the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
Speakers: Jon (Mike) Underwood, Chief of the School-based Surveillance Branch (SBSB), CDC Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH)
Leigh Szucs, Health Scientist, CDC Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH)
Emily Young, Paula E. Jayne Adolescent Sexual Health Fellow, CDC Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH)
Objectives: In this session, participants will: Be able to describe ways in which data and analysis from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System can be integrated into pre-service health education teacher programs for utilization within their schools/districts.
Track Session: Improving the Health of Students by Applying the Characteristics of Effective Health Education Curricula using HECAT – Part II
Speakers: Susan Telljohann and Bonnie Edmondson
Objectives: In this session, participants will: Describe each of the characteristics of effective Health Education curricula and explain how to apply the characteristics of effective Health Education curricula. *must attend Part I and Part II
Track Session: National Health Education Standards
Speakers: Holly Alperin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire
Lea Jaspers, Health Education Specialist, Maryland State Department of Education
Objectives: In this session, participants will: Be able to describe the National Health Education Standards framework, which guides the selection of curricula, resources and assessment of student achievement and progress.
Overview of the Model Toolkit for K-12 School Health Educators
Speaker: James Mallare, Wayne State University and SOPHE School Health Project
Debrief of Day 3 and Review of Offline Activities
Speaker: Rachael Dombrowski
Mike Underwood, PhD, Chief
Dr. Bonnie Edmondson, Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator of the School Health Education Program
Susan K. Telljohann, HSD, CHES, Professor Emeritus of Health Education
Holly Alperin, EdM, MCHES, Clinical Assistant Professor
Lea Jaspers, Health Education Specialist
Elaine Auld, MPH, MCHES, CEO Emerita
Jordan Fuhrmeister, MPH, CHES, Associate Project Director
Dr. Rachael Dombrowski, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor
James Philip A. Mallare, PhD, MS, CHES®, Associate Researcher
Tiffany Edgar, MS, Lecturer
Leigh Szucs, PhD, CHES, Health Scientist
Emily M. Young, MSEd, MPH, Paula E. Jayne Adolescent Sexual Health Fellow
Thu, May 13 at 12:00 pm EDT
Digital Institute for Higher Education Academy - Thursday
Independent work with your Institution Teams Technical Assistance/Office Hours with Experts
12:00 - 12:30 pm
Holly Alperin- Room A Susan Goekler- Room B
12:30 - 1:00 pm
Holly Alperin- Room A Susan Goekler- Room B
1:00 - 1:30 pm
Holly Alperin- Room A Susan Goekler- Room B Sarah Benes- Room C
1:30 - 2:00 pm
Jenny Linker- Room A Susan Goekler- Room B Sarah Benes- Room C
2:00 - 2:30 pm
Jenny Linker- Room A Leigh Szucs & Emily Young- Room B Sarah Benes- Room C
2:30 - 3:00 pm
Jenny Linker- Room A Leigh Szucs & Emily Young- Room B Sarah Benes- Room C
Fri, May 14 at 12:00 pm EDT
Digital Institute for Higher Education Academy - Friday
Welcome of Program Chairs and Institution Leadership Presentation
Speaker: Lloyd Kolbe, Professor Emeritus of Applied Health Science, Indiana University School of Public Health—Bloomington
Objective: In this session, participants will be joined by university and program leadership to discuss potential changes to health education teacher preparation programs for the advancement of health among children.
Community Involvement in Healthy Schools
Speaker: Diane Allensworth, Consultant, HealthMPowers
Objective: In this session, participants will be provided with an overview of how to incorporate community involvement lessons, resources, and tools within health education teacher preparation programs.
Group Breakouts and Program Presentations
*Break within the session
Debrief of Breakout Sessions
Speaker: Rachael Dombrowski
Evaluation Overview
Speakers: James Mallare
Jordan Fuhrmeister
Debrief and Closing Remarks
Speakers: Bridget Borgogna
Rachael Dombrowski
Lloyd Kolbe, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Applied Health Science
Diane Allensworth, Consultant
Bridget Borgogna, MEd, Health Education Specialist
Elaine Auld, MPH, MCHES, CEO Emerita
Jordan Fuhrmeister, MPH, CHES, Associate Project Director
Dr. Rachael Dombrowski, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor
James Philip A. Mallare, PhD, MS, CHES®, Associate Researcher
Tiffany Edgar, MS, Lecturer
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