Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Health Education: Understanding Future Implications for the Profession
Recorded On: 10/21/2024
- Non-member - $20
- Member - $10
- Student Member - $5
- Student Non-Member - $10
As the topic of AI has surfaced as a significant advancement in the health education profession, more emphasis is being drawn to the impact of this technology in modern day practice.
Health Education is a field influenced by evolving technology including Artificial Intelligence (AI). This webinar will emphasize practical tools that participants can use to adapt AI technology to their professional practice in a variety of settings (Community, Academia, Hospital, Public Health Department, etc.). Presenters will discuss considerations and applications of AI in the field that are adaptable for participants. This includes AI training, adaptability and ease of use as well as challenges that certain sectors may face to adequately support AI technology.
At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe one best practice for adapting AI technology in an applied health education workplace setting in the next year.
- Understand the role and potential pitfalls of AI/AR use in healthy lifestyles promotion activities and policies.
HESPA II Competencies:
8.1.4 Promote health equity
8.1.5 Use evidence-informed theories, models, and strategies

Sponsored by SOPHE, a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. This program is designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES®) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES®) to receive up to 1.00 total Category I contact education contact hours. Maximum advanced-level continuing education contact hours available for this session is 0. Provider ID #98029 and Activity ID 01-712 DL.

Ashley S. Love, DrPH, DHSc, MPH, MS, CPH
Associate Professor
University of Incarnate Word
Dr. Ashley S. Love, an experienced public health professional with over 20 years of expertise, is committed to addressing social determinants of health. Trained at Columbia University and Nova Southeastern University and having lived in Europe, Asia, and North America, she brings a multicultural perspective to her work. As the former State Epidemiologist of Delaware/Bureau Chief of Epidemiology, Dr. Love was crucial in effectively managing the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. Her interdisciplinary and interfaith approach, coupled with her experience working with diverse age and racial/minority groups, enriches her work. Dr. Love’s areas of expertise include public health, healthcare education, telehealth, nutrition, and gerontology. She has taught numerous community college and university courses, employing innovative approaches. She has been an award-winning educator, certified online instructor, and an active-duty military spouse for over two decades. She is an associate professor and director of graduate studies at the University of Incarnate Word’s Dreeben School of Education.

Sima Hamadeh, PhD
Professor in the Department of Nutrition Sciences and Dietetics
Haigazian University
ProfessorSima A. Hamadeh is a Full Professor of Public Health Nutrition and the ProgramCoordinator of Nutrition and Dietetic Sciences at Haigazian University, and asenior lecturer in the Nutrition Master programs at Saint Joseph University inLebanon.
Shereceived her master’s degree in Community Nutrition and Ph.D. in Public HealthNutrition from University of Montreal-Canada. Her M.Sc. work was awarded the“Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence” in 2009. Her Ph.D. work washonored by Canadian experts in 2013 and awarded the “Prix d’ExcellenceScientifique Franco-Libanais” from the Société des Membres de la Légiond’Honneur au Liban & the French Embassy in Lebanon in 2015. Her outstandingpostdoctoral studies on “Science Journalism” at Northwestern University werenotably considered by TED team in US and TED in Arabic team to join them as ascience curator in 2023.
Prof.Hamadeh main research interest deals with public health nutrition matters andscience communication/journalism such as: public health promotion, food systemsand sustainability; nutrition in media and communication, nutrition economicsand consumerism, food citizenship, nutrition psychology, digital food andsports marketing, digital and media health literacy, and their relatedpolicies. She published several peer-reviewed papers, and scientific blogs andaudiovisuals exploring these topics from different perspectives, and shedesigned various significant comprehensive theoretical frameworks toconsolidate her research work.
Prof.Hamadeh works closely with different national and international ministries andorganizations on projects, seminars, research, and community programs. She hostedand was hosted on many panel discussions and podcasts, and has provided manytalks and keynote speeches in national and international scientific congresses.She was honored and awarded special prizes for her outstanding papers inEurope, Canada, Gulf countries, and in Lebanon. She is also a member of severalexecutive international scientific committees and associations and a reviewerfor distinguished scientific peer-reviewed journals and for health short movieapplications to the annual American Public Health Association conference.
Mostrecently, Prof. Hamadeh joined the new “Mentoring Program in Communication andMarketing” and the “Reviewer Committee for the National Physical EducationStandards” of the Society of Health & Physical Educators- USA. She is alsoa mentor in the American Public Health Association for health promotion,communication, and policies. In June 23 she was selected by TUFTS University asan expert panelist to engage in the consensus-building process of their“Leading A Sustainability Transition in Nutrition Globally-LASTING” project. Finally,in July 24 she was appointed by Emerald Publishing-UK as an Editor-in-Chief fora new Gold Open Scientific Journal “Global Smart Food Systems”.

Gabriella Pandolfelli, MPH
Director of Epidemiology and Public Health Analytics
Stony Brook University
Gabriella Pandolfelli, MPH is the Director of Epidemiology and Public Health Analytics. She is also a PhD Candidate in Population Health and Clinical Outcomes Research at Stony Brook University. She is actively involved in interprofessional education (IPE) and research projects that include a commitment to building successful community-academic partnerships, community engagement and participatory action research, and team-based IPE to improve health equity and access to resources while demonstrating community impact. Building upon her experience in community engagement, she is committed to research that focuses on cardiovascular disease and hypertension prevention interventions in community-based settings that promote access to care and health equity.

Karen Mancera-Cuevas, DrPH, MS, MPH, CHES (Moderator)
Senior Director of Health Equity
National Health Council
Dr. Karen Mancera-Cuevas is the Senior Director of Health Equity at the National Health Council. She works to help build health equity as a core competency through collaboration with other National Health Council departments. This includes developing programs, improving patient-centered outcomes, and working on current projects related to health equity. She also is the Chair of the American Public Health Association Public Health Education and Health Promotion Section, Chair for the Coalition of National Health Education Organizations, Associate Editor for the Progress in Community Health Partnerships Journal, the Regional Committee representative for the International Union for Promotion and Education, and Board Member of Professional Development for the Society of Public Health Education. She received her undergraduate degree in community health education from the University of Maryland and has degrees in public administration from DePaul University and in health policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She earned her DrPH from Walden University. The majority of Mancera-Cuevas’ professional career involved health education intersecting health policy and clinical research. She has worked in various settings – community nonprofit, health policy, academic and government sectors.