Aligning the CHES® and MCHES® credentialing examinations with HESPA II 2020​​

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Aligning the CHES® and MCHES® credentialing examinations with HESPA II 2020


Dianne Kerr, PhD, M.S, MCHES®

Kathleen Allison, PhD, MPH, MCHES®

The Health Education Specialist Practice Analysis (HESPA) II 2020 reflects contemporary practice of health education specialists and serves as the framework for preparation, credentialing, and continuing education in the profession.  As such, the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®) and Master Certified Education Specialist (MCHES®) credentialing examinations are being revised to reflect the updated competencies and sub-competencies validated by the HESPA II 2020.  Notable updates in health education specialist practice reflected in the examinations include an expansion of advocacy and communication competencies, as well as a more prominent emphasis on ethics and professionalism. The revision process includes many stages: setting specifications for examination construction based upon the practice analysis; item bank review; item gap analysis; item writing; exam construction with multiple forms; and standard-setting of the examinations.  The revision process is conducted separately for the CHES® and MCHES® examinations. This presentation will review each of the steps undertaken to ensure the validity of the examinations that will be introduced in 2022 and used until 2026.  Presenters will also differentiate the CHES® and MCHES® examinations.

Dianne Kerr, PhD, MS, MCHES®

Dr. Dianne Kerr is a recently retired Professor Emeritus of Health Education and Promotion at Kent State University. Her research expertise is HIV/AIDS, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) health, and health education and advocacy issues. Dr. Kerr serves as the Vice Chair of the Division Board of Certified Health Education Specialists (DBCHES) and on the Board of Commissioners for NCHEC. She was awarded the Society for Public Health Education’s Dorothy B. Nyswander Open Society Award in 2016. As an educator and activist for over 40 years, Dr. Kerr continues to support equity and social justice causes in her community, state, region and country.

Kathleen Allison, PhD, MPH, MCHES®

Dr. Kathleen Allison is Professor of Community & Public Health Education in the Department of Health Science at Lock Haven University. She serves as the Coordinator of the Division Board of Certified Health Education Specialists (DBCHES) and on the NCHEC’s Board of Commissioners. She served on the Technical Advisory Group for the Health Education Specialist Practice Analysis (HESPA) 2020. Dr. Allison is very interested in professional preparation and development, health literacy, and social justice. 

Dr. Cherylee Sherry, MPH, MCHES® (Moderator)

Healthy Systems Manager

Minnesota Department of Health

Ms. Sherry brings almost 40 years of program development and leadership experience in community health and health care to the Minnesota Department of Health. She is currently the Healthy Systems Manager for the Office of Statewide Health Improvement Initiatives. Previously she worked on the formation and implementation of the Health Care Homes (PCMH) Initiative. Prior to joining MDH, Ms. Sherry led community health initiatives addressing maternal & child health and chronic disease at an urban safety net hospital. She was the executive director of a community health clinic in Minnesota that provided clinical, health education and home health care services. While working on her master?s degree, she was the project director for an adolescent pregnancy & prevention services consortium and a comprehensive child development program in Brooklyn, NY.


06/08/2021 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
06/08/2021 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
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