Area of Responsibility VI: Communications

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Area of Responsibility VI: Communications Module

In the sixth module, learners use skills and knowledge to develop socially and culturally sensitive communication techniques. Socially and culturally sensitive language is a person first, unbiased, and simple.

At the end of this module, participants will be able to: 

1. Understand examples of language that are not socially and culturally sensitive by comparing language that is not person first with language that is.

2. Test their comprehension with a fill-in-the-blank activity.

3. End with a final reflection on what was learned.

Chelsea Dade, MS

Health Communications Professional

Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ)

Chelsea Dade is a health communications professional who also is the founder of Communicate for Health Justice organization. She wears many hats in the wide field of health equity and builds awareness and resources on communicating health with equity and social justice in mind. 

For more information, check out Chelsea's online portfolio: https://chelseadade.wordpress....


Area VI Intro Video
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
First Activity
Communication Video Activity
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Learners will watch a YouTube video featuring “bad communication" in a clinical setting, however, describes the uniqueness of awareness with who you are speaking with and how important it is to be mindful and professional in all work settings and with all populations. The purpose of the video is to help learners begin to identify examples of poor clinical communication by listening to the language and watching body language cues used by the actors in the video. ~View "Handouts" for the link to this video or copy and paste this link into your browser: Enjoy!
Review Handouts Prior to Evaluation of Module
Reflection Survey
2 Questions
Final Module Evaluation
Module Evaluation
8 Questions
1.00 Entry-level CECH, CPH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 Entry-level CECH, CPH credit  |  Certificate available