Area of Responsibility VIII: Ethics and Professionalism
- Non-member - $20
- Member - $10
- Student Member - $5
- Student Non-Member - $10
Area of Responsibility VIII: Ethics and Professionalism
In the final module, learners use skills and knowledge to apply professional codes of ethics and ethical principles through the dissemination of information and management of pre-diabetes. A provided self-directed activity will examine the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in health education.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
1. Apply the Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession to an ethical dilemma.
2. Describe ways to integrate cultural and linguistic competence into health promotion and health education programs.
3. Test their comprehension with a short quiz and self-directed activity and then end with a final reflection on what was learned.
Gayle Walter, PhD, CHES®
University of Iowa
Gayle is currently a lecturer in the Department of Health and Human Physiology at the University of Iowa. She received her PhD in Public Health and MPH from Walden University. Dr. Walter has served in leadership positions for national SOPHE as a Delegate Trustee and the Trustee for Research and Ethics. She also served on the Task Force to revise the code of ethics for the health education profession. Her areas of interest include social determinants, cultural competency, and access to care for vulnerable populations. Gayle is also involved in the community by serving on the Board of Directors for the Free Medical and Dental Clinic in Iowa City.