DNA to Z: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing and Genetic Literacy

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Recorded On: 03/11/2021

  • Registration Closed

DNA to Z: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing and Genetic Literacy

Speakers: Kelsey Cowles, MLIS

This webinar will provide an overview of the history and current state of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing, which has become extremely popular in recent years. The differences between ancestry and health testing will be explored. The veracity of claims commonly made by testing companies will be assessed, and concerns and challenges surrounding these tests will be examined. Attendees will learn where to go to find essential background information about genetics needed to understand DTC tests and how to locate more advanced professional assistance. The webinar will also cover the broader topic of genetic literacy, connecting it with health literacy and explaining its importance for health decision-making in a variety of contexts.


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1.00 Entry-level CECH, CPH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 Entry-level CECH, CPH credit  |  Certificate available