National Library of Medicine Resources to Address Health Equity

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Recorded On: 01/26/2021

  • Registration Closed


Nora Barnett, MS

Healthcare and public health workers face challenges when addressing health disparities. The National Library of Medicine offers databases that can help address these challenges. The PubMed Clinical Queries tool assists researchers in finding published research on topics related to health disparities. Medline Plus contains reliable patient education materials in multiple languages. Both of these resources are free to use. This webinar showcases these resources and provides instruction on using them to support health equity work.

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

Construct at least two literature searches on health disparities using PubMed’s Special Queries tool.
Identify at least three multilingual patient and clinician cultural competence resources.

This meeting will be recorded and archived. For more information, please email

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Open to view video.
Open to view video. Healthcare and public health workers face challenges when addressing health disparities, both from a health research and health education standpoint. The National Library of Medicine offers several databases that can help address these challenges. The PubMed Clinical Queries tool assists researchers in finding published research on topics related to health disparities. HealthReach contains reliable patient education materials in multiple languages. Both of these resources are free to use. This webinar will showcase these two resources and offer participants instruction on how to use them to support health equity work. To receive CECH and certificate, you will need to purchase this webinar and complete the evaluation.
7 Questions
7 Questions Please take a moment to complete the evaluation following this webinar. Your evaluations of this program will assist us in planning future webinars.
1.00 Entry-level CECH, CPH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 Entry-level CECH, CPH credit  |  Certificate available