Plenary 1: Presidential Address - From Cultural Competence to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Implications for Public Health Education
Recorded On: 03/19/2024
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- Student Non-Member - $10
Over the past several decades, cultural competence has been advocated in health education and health promotion as one of several approaches to address the health needs of diverse populations, reduce persistent health disparities, and promote health and health equity. Within the past decade, as the nation has become more diverse and has dealt with issues surrounding racism, systematic bias, and the social determinants that impact the health of the country, the need for the incorporation of topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) has become more prominent as we continue to prepare a public health education workforce with the necessary competencies to understand and address the needs of the population. During this presentation, the presenter will discuss the professional journey from cultural competence to DEIJ and its implications for public health education.
Participants should leave this webinar being able to:
1) Explain the concepts of cultural competence, diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice and their implications for public health education.
2) Apply strategies for incorporating the concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice into the professional preparation of current and future public health education professionals.
Competencies that will be covered include:
8.4.4: Educate others about the history of the profession, its current status, and its implications for professional practice.
8.1.6: Apply principles of cultural humility, inclusion, and diversity in all aspects of practice (e.g., Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards and culturally responsive pedagogy).

Raffy Luquis, PhD, MCHES®
Associate Professor, Health Education
Penn State Harrisburg
Raffy R. Luquis is an associate professor of health education in the School of Behavioral Sciences and Education at Penn State Harrisburg. Dr. Luquis also serves as the professor-in-charge of the of the health education master’s degree and the program coordinator for the biobehavioral health undergraduate’ degree. Dr. Luquis has a broad background in health education and health promotion. His primary teaching and research interests are cultural competency and multicultural health, health promotion, and human sexuality. He earned the certified health education specialist credential in 1995 and the master certified health education specialist credential in 2011 from the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing in 2011. He served in the SOPHE Board of Trustees from 2016-2020.