Plenary 2: Keynote & Honorary Fellow Presentation - Implementation Science Now and in the Future: Addressing Impact and Health Equity
Recorded On: 03/19/2024
- Non-member - $20
- Member - $10
- Student Member - $5
- Student Non-Member - $10
The goal of implementation science is to study the development, spread, and sustainment of broadly applicable and practical evidence-based programs, treatments, guidelines, and policies (evidence-based interventions). These evidence-based interventions need to be contextually relevant robust and applicable across diverse settings, delivery staff, and population subgroups. The underlying rationale for implementation science is simple: too often, the discovery of new knowledge begets more discovery (the next study) with little attention to how to apply research advances in real-world public health, policy, social service, and healthcare settings. This presentation will cover what the field of implementation science is (and is not), why it is important, and how it is useful for informing practice and designing your research for impact, sustainment, and equity. Along with a brief history of the field of implementation science, the presentation will highlight four key areas for the future: 1) challenges and debates about the uses, usefulness, and gaps in evidence; 2) how to enhance a focus on equity in our work; 3) the need to increase the volume and scope of policy implementation research; and 4) approaches for enhancing the impact of our work. Addressing these issues will increase the likelihood that the billions of dollars invested in health-related research will yield specific and tangible benefits for population health and health equity.
Participants should leave this webinar being able to:
- Describe the core elements of implementation science.
- Apply implementation science to your work
Competencies that will be covered include:
4.1.3 Use logic model and/or theory for evaluation
4.5.4 Translate findings into practice and interventions

Russ Brownson
Steven H. and Susan U. Lipstein Distinguished Professor
University School of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis
A leading expert in chronic disease prevention and an internationally-recognized expert in the area of dissemination and implementation science, Ross C. Brownson is regarded as one of the academic and practice leaders in the field of evidence-based public health. Brownson has a joint appointment with the university’s School of Medicine in the Department of Surgery and the Siteman Cancer Center.
Brownson directs the Prevention Research Center, a center that develops innovative research to speed the translation of scientific findings to use in public health settings. His research has been supported by a broad array of federal and foundation sources, including the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
He is an associate editor of the Annual Review of Public Health and on the editorial board of five other journals. Brownson has published over 600 articles and 17 books including: “Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Prevention, and Control,” “Evidence-Based Public Health,” and “Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice.” He has been listed as one of the “World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds.” Brownson is past-president of the American College of Epidemiology and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors. Brownson is also active in the American Public Health Association.