Plenary 4: No Equity without Data Equity
Recorded On: 03/20/2024
- Non-member - $20
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- Student Non-Member - $10
The call for equity has recently gained momentum across various sectors, prompting crucial discussions on how to enhance representation and inclusivity of all people. Data equity involves ensuring fair and just representation of diverse populations in datasets, acknowledging the unique needs and experiences of all communities. This concept is crucial for improving health through enhanced healthcare delivery and research. In healthcare and health policy, the pivotal role of high-quality, actionable data in fostering health equity is widely acknowledged. By incorporating a data equity lens, researchers are able to collaborate and communicate with communities to uncover disparities, identify health trends, and develop targeted interventions that address the specific needs of the communities they work with. It enables healthcare providers to gain a more accurate understanding of diverse patient demographics, allowing for tailored and inclusive healthcare services. Ultimately, data equity empowers communities by promoting inclusivity in data, fostering evidence-based decision-making, and contributing to the development of policies that better serve the diverse health needs of populations.
Participants should leave this webinar being able to:
- Examine at least 2 benefits of collaborating and communicating with communities and healthcare providers by incorporating a data equity lens in evidence-based decisions, policy, and research.
- Describe a method to incorporate 2 examples of health equity data in your community to enhance representation of diverse populations.
Competencies that will be covered include:
5.2.3 Create formal and/or informal alliances, task forces and coalitions to address proposed changes. Advanced level
4.2.5 Select a research design model and types of data to be collected Advanced level.

Ninez A. Ponce
PhD, MPP, Professor and Endowed Chair
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Ninez A. Ponce, PhD, MPP (BS UC Berkeley; MPP Harvard; PhD UCLA), is Professor and Endowed Chair in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, and Principal Investigator for the California Health Interview Survey, the largest state survey in the USA. Dr. Ponce is an elected member of the National Academy of Social Insurance and has served on the Board of Scientific Counselors, National Center for Health Statistics. She has participated in committees for the National Academy of Medicine and the National Quality Forum, where her expertise has focused on setting guidance for health systems in the measurement and use of social determinants of health as tools to monitor health equity. She has received numerous awards from community organizations recognizing her work in community-engaged research. In 2019 Dr. Ponce and her team received the AcademyHealth Impact award for their contributions to population health measurement to inform public policies. In 2021, Dr. Ponce served as a Commissioner for the RWJF Transforming Public Health Data Initiative and currently serves on the Data Disaggregation workgroup for the White House Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Commission. Currently, she is an Associate Editor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at JAMA Health Forum and is on the editorial boards of Milbank Quarterly, Health Services Research and Health Affairs. Dr. Ponce champions better data, especially for people from marginalized racial and ethnic, sexual orientation and gender identity, and immigrant populations. She firmly believes that equity-centered data will lead to more meaningful program and policy inferences and better care for overlooked groups.