What Evidence-based Health Promotion Programs work with Native Elders?

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In the recent report, “Successful Strategies & Lessons Learned from Implementing Evidence-Based Programs in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Communities” professionals responsible for delivering evidence-based health promotion programs (referred as EBPs) for Elders emphasize the need to both understand the concept and importance of EBPs among program staff and program participants. The purpose of this webinar is to introduce Native American, American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Communities to Evidence-Based health promotion programs and illustrate best practices from these communities currently offering programs. In this webinar, presenters will engage in a dialogue to address these questions as well as offer examples of programs that successfully resolved some of these challenges in Native American, American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Communities.

In this event, participants will be able to:
1. Distinguish an EBP from one that is not evidence-based
2. Identify at least three ways that their community can do the following:

• benefit from EBPs
• link with existing programs
• adapt programs to fit within the community
• identify possible challenges

Learning Objectives

1. Identify 2 existing Evidence-Based health promotion programs based programs that can be linked to serve their community (1.3.4 Assess existing and available resources, policies, programs, practices, and interventions)

2. Identify 2 potential challenges in linking an Evidence-Based health promotion program to a Native American, American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian Community.

Jennie R. Joe, PhD, MPH, MA (Moderator)

Tribe: Dine’Nation (Navajo)

Professor Emerita, Department of Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Dr. Joe received her doctoral degree from UC Berkeley and San Francisco and joined the faculty at UCLA prior to coming to University of Arizona. Her academic background includes nursing, public health, anthropology, and medical anthropology. While at UA, she held an adjunct faculty position in American Indian Studies as well as serving as the director of the College of Medicine’s Native American Research and Training Center. Her research activity has and continues to focus on health disparities and its impact on native population, including health consequences due to chronic diseases, disabilities, cancer, etc. She has served on a number of state, national, and international committees, including the National Institute of Medicine and Canada’s Institute for Aboriginal Peoples’ Health Research.

Becky Bendixen

Tribal Program Specialist, Wisdom Warrior T-Trainer

Northwest Regional Council

Becky was born in the Territory of Alaska in King Cove, a fishing village of 700 people, located about 650 miles from anywhere. She lived in King Cove, happily subsisting on the plentiful Alaskan bounty over 40 years before moving to Washington State.

Becky is one of the creators of the Wisdom Warrior program, which was founded in 2010 through her work as a Tribal Specialist.

Working with the many tribal elders from many states across the nation has been a life’s dream and a great honor. Becky has increased her outreach to indigenous nations every year as Wisdom Warriors goes nationwide. Collaborating with tribes to implement Wisdom Warriors and share it throughout indigenous communities will always be one of her life’s greatest passions.

The Wisdom Warrior program is changing elders’ lives on a daily basis and she feels blessed to be one of the program’s creators. Embracing our Indigenous ways is a priority for our people, as we heal and become stronger in ways that honor our sovereignty.   

Roxanne Thomas, MSW, MSPPM

(Dine’/Navajo & Numu/Paiute)

Program Specialist II, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.

Ms. Roxanne Thomas (Dine’/Navajo & Numu/Paiute), serves as a Program Specialist II with the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona – Area Agency on Aging, Region 8 (ITCA-AAA).  She coordinates the following programs: A Matter of Balance, EnhanceFitness, Title III Advocacy, and assists with the Arizona Indian Council on Aging (AICOA) Advisory Board.  

 Ms. Thomas holds a Master of Social Work (MSW) from Arizona State University and a Master of Science in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University (MSPPM).  Prior to her employment with ITCA-AAA, she worked with the Indian Health Service (IHS) for six years providing an array of mental health services to children, adolescents, adults and families.  Ms. Thomas is passionate about improving the lifestyles and living conditions of urban and rural Native American populations.  She enjoys traveling, the company of her family and friends, and her role as a Mother to her wonderful son.

Leslie Tanoue

Director, Ke Ola Pono No Na Kupuna (Title VI) ALU LIKE, Inc. T-Trainer for CDSMP, DSMP, and CTS

Alu Like Inc., Enhanced Fitness (Hawaii)

Leslie Tanoue is Title VI Director at ALU LIKE, Inc.  She has been the Title VI director since 2019 and with ALU LIKE, Inc. since 1999.

ALU LIKE, Inc. is a non-profit, Native Hawaiian serving organization whose mission is to assist Native Hawaiians who are committed to achieving their potential for themselves, their families, and communities.  We envision Hawaii, our special island home, as healthy, safe and productive, and guided by the shared values of all its people.

Leslie is currently a T-Trainer for the following Self-Management Resource Center Programs:  Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, Diabetes Self-Management Program, and Cancer Thrive and Survive


Recorded 11/30/2021
Recorded 11/30/2021
9 Questions
1.50 Entry-level CECH, CPH credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 Entry-level CECH, CPH credits  |  Certificate available